Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Envy, jealousy, or whatever you call it, I’m experiencing it now.

I’m working right now, paper works, as I’ve felt my limit of exhaustion. I decided to open Google, put in the site “” on the search engine, signed in and read the posts on my wall. I have noticed that an acquaintance during college days updated her status. Thanking God for a safe trip and arrival to its new home, abroad, specifically Australia.

Best part is, as I viewed her profile, I saw photos of her together with her husband and daughter. As you are reading this you may think that I have a romantic feeling for the lady I’m talking about. No. I don’t have any.
I am sharing this so that I can express my feeling of jealousy towards my acquaintance’s lucky fate. Why lucky? There are numbers of our fellowmen going or aiming abroad (count me in) for money, work and the likes, but in return, leaving their families behind in this politically-ruined country. But for my college confrère, she went abroad without leaving someone. She and her family went abroad and there they can pursue abundant life together.

I’m a family man where am I? - - - - - here, working with peso-value money.
She’s a family woman where is she? --- there, receiving dollars.
I’m working, financially where am I?----nothing, borrowing prone.
She’s not yet working there, where is she financially?—abundant, cause her husband is working                           there.No need for her to work.

So many questions to ask, so many comparisons to think off, yet there’s nothing I can do. Because of two factors called MONEY and CONNECTIONS.
If you have those, going abroad or staying here in our corrupt-poisoned country will be just fine. Unfortunately, I don’t have those mentioned factors. Is this bad luck or unfortunate fate?...well, funny thing is I don’t have any choice but to live with it and irony is I have to hope for luck itself. Hopefully, it will be “good luck” this time.

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